About Us
N-PRO is an innovative sports technology brand providing cutting edge impact protection technology to keep athletes safe.
N-PRO was founded in Galway, Republic of Ireland by Mark Ganly and Dr. Sandra Ganly. They each brought their own wealth of expertise in different fields to the development of this next generation head guard. Mark Ganly has over 10 years of experience in designing and manufacturing sports equipment, while Dr. Sandra Ganly has a PhD and extensive experience in biomedical engineering and medical device innovation.
"We are passionate about sport, innovation and healthcare, so when we learned that current rugby head guards are primarily designed to prevent abrasions and cuts, we knew we could develop a head guard that offered true impact protection to make the sport we love safer."
We assembled a team of world-class experts to develop our proprietary multi-layer construction and Defentex™ technology. This technology reduces the G-force energy transferred to the player's head during impact by up to 75% compared to rugby head guards currently on the market. After three years of evidence-based research and development and rigorous independent testing, the final product is the N-Pro. The name was chosen with the meaning of "Neuro Protection" in mind.
[Our aim]
"Our goal, and the goal of everyone involved in the development of N-Pro, is to make the sport safer and enable longer-lasting enjoyment for players of all ages and levels."
You Compete. We Protect N-PRO.
N-PRO development team
Mark Ganly – (Contego Sports CEO)

Mark has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of protective equipment for contact sports, beginning his career in the traditional Irish sport of hurling. He founded MARC Helmets and is responsible for product development and market introduction. In the process, we completed a product that meets IS355:2006, one of the most stringent safety standards in contact sports. This will be applicable to the development of head protection in all sports. I learned some valuable skills that I could.
Dr. Sandra Ganly – CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

Scientific Advisory Board
Dr. Jill McMahon – Chairperson
Dr. Jill McMahon is a neuroscientist with over 20 years of experience in biological science research, a proven track record in neuroscience, pathology, and translational therapeutics, and has published 37 peer-reviewed scientific articles. She is a highly respected researcher and educator.
Dr. Richelle Mychasiuk
Dr. Richelle Mychasiuk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary. She holds a PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience and has authored 54 peer-reviewed scientific papers.
Prof. Michael Farrell – Neuropathologist
Prof. Michael Farrell is a distinguished consultant neuropathologist and educator with decades of experience in clinical neuropathology, neuropathology research and undergraduate teaching, and is highly respected in the field of neuropathology.